I ran the Boston Marathon in 2023, raising money for the Museum of Science.
I shared my training progress on my running Instagram @AWayeToRun, and continue to post updates as I train for new races.
Why the Boston Marathon is important to me:
- I don’t know how I got here from the Wood Acres Jogfest, but here I am choosing to continue running
- After watching others cross the finish line of the Boston Marathon throughout college, I was dying to participate! (And I really want one of those jackets like my dad has.)
- Boston 2023 was my first marathon.
- Donations allow the Museum’s Community and Traveling Program to provide STEM outreach programming where it is needed most.
Why STEM is important to me:
- I know how it feels to love math homework and I’m so delighted to be able to support students who feel the same.
- I took my first engineering class in middle school and joined my high school’s robotics team my freshman year.
- I studied engineering in college and now I get to work with robots!
Amazon Robotics hall of robots